Get Involved

The Human Rights Unit (HRU) at BPP Law School is dedicated to raising awareness among students of human rights and the ways in which they impact upon the practice of law in the UK. Additionally, the HRU provides a range of opportunities for students to contribute their skills and knowledge to the human rights community.

The HRU has established working relationships with a number of human rights organisations in the UK and has conducted large-scale research projects for the following organisations in the past three years: Scope, International Bar Association, AIRE Centre and Equality Now.  If you are a BPP student and are interested in being involved in future projects, please do not forget to register for the HRU mailing list via your VLE.

This Blog and the BPP Human Rights Law Journal come under the umbrella of the HRU. Our editorial team works extensively with the rest of the Unit. Future HRU events and pro bono opportunities will be posted on this page.

If you are a human rights organisation interested in working with the HRU, please feel free to contact us at

Information on how to submit to the Human Rights Blog can be found on the ‘Contact Us‘ page.